Made me hard n shit.
Made me hard n shit.
thank you very much sir
This was pretty good, and while a chuck norris parody is obviously going to be
somewhat predictable, the part with slendy's face was a bit unexpected (I at least
didn't see it coming) and the K.O. was also a nice touch. good job.
every second of this made me lose my shit.
Oney, now I know what it's like to be you...
Sorry, this was just awkward as hell to watch, I like some of the characters,
but as others have said they have very little back story and really this whole
thing seemed like a scattered mess of random dumb jokes. Some of the jokes made me chuckle,
but most of them seemed kind of stupid and out of context, especially when that one guy tried to kill himself, I mean what the fuck was that about? is he emotionally disturbed or something?
again, back story is important. The animation was decent, not my cup of tea, but It was good.
Overall, it was mediocre.
I was pleasantly surprised. The animation could be better but the voice acting,
humor, and music sort of make up for it. 3 stars for you.
There *ARE* a few places I wasn't satisfied with, but I had spent too long on them and decided to move on.
Pretty good, I like how it ended. Also, the way the guy's scream sounded was funny too.
Please don't cut my throat Mr. Tarantino I'm sorry about the sandwich.
It's okay, not much else for me to say really.
I think you should've just waited and animated the battle scene with
this intro included, but whatever. Okay movie. Oh, also, replay button
would be good too.
Haha sorry bout that bro, and you're probably right
Wow, this was just amazing in almost every way imaginable.
The movement and music along with the environments really made
this thing pop. Being a fan of jet grind/jet set radio, this really appealed
to me and to be honest it makes me want to check out the rest of your
works. This is a new one to add to my favorites for sure.
In technicolor
in the way
Joined on 9/24/12